Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discuss the character of Banquo and his role in ‘Macbeth’ Essay

Banquo was one of Duncan’s brave generals. He was a man of honour and integrity. He held the same rank as Macbeth and they were very closely linked characters. They were courageous and loyal warriors. They both witnessed the Witches’ prophesies and their future successes were foretold throughout the play. Banquo had a generous spirit and a rational view of the world and had the attributes required by a good King, however, Banquo was an ambiguous character, in that he was sceptical of Macbeth’s manner following their encounter with the Witches. Macbeths’ beliefs worried Banquo, as he was a good man and he believed deeply in upholding God’s rule of order. Banquo sensed that the Witches’ prophesies prompted new reactions in Macbeth – further encouraging his ambitions towards kingship. Banquo’s first encounter with the Witches was quite unbelievable to him and he remarked to Macbeth, â€Å"What are these, So withered, and so wild in their attire, That look not like th’inhabitants o’th earth, And yet are on,t?† , Banquo’s words describe Macbeth’s startled and uneasy reaction to the Witches’ prophesies, touching moral confusion in Macbeth by saying to him, â€Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear Things that do not sound so fair?† The half rhyme ‘fear’ and ‘fair’ echoes the Witches previous ‘fair’ and ‘foul’. Although Banquo was not afraid of the Witches, he still wanted them to speak to him but at the same time he wished to remain detached from them. He addressed the Witches, saying, â€Å"Speak to me, who neither beg, nor fear Your favours nor your hate.† The Witches in turn replied, â€Å"Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none.† The Witches directed most of their prophesies towards Macbeth and Banquo noticed how lost in thought his companion was because of this experience and remarked, â€Å"Look how our partner’s rapt.† When the Witches vanished, Banquo and Macbeth were astounded, wondering if what they had just witnessed was indeed real or just fantasy. When Banquo heard that Macbeth was to become Thane of Cawdor, in contrast to Macbeth’s excitement, he showed wariness and sensed that the Witches’ words might be deceitful by telling Macbeth, â€Å"And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence.† Banquo is clear-sighted in his summary of the way of temptation. However, resisting the prophecies was a struggle, even for Banquo. He said to his son Fleance, â€Å"Merciful powers, Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature Gives way to in repose!† Banquo was clearly disturbed by all the strange events that had taken place. He was afraid to sleep and the Witches words returned to him in his dreams when he did so. After King Duncan was murdered, Banquo became very suspicious of Macbeth and was becoming concerned about his destiny. He spoke of this to the King’s son Malcolm, â€Å"In the great hand of God I stand, and thence Against the undivulged pretence I fight Of treasonous malice.† However, I criticize Banquo because of his passivity when he says, soon afterwards, â€Å"Thou hast it all now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all As the weird women promised, and I fear Thou play’dst most foully for’t:† It was obvious that Banquo suspected Macbeth’s involvement in Duncan’s death, yet he took no steps against Macbeth. I suspect this was because Banquo had ambition too, like Macbeth when he says, â€Å"May they not be my oracles as well, And set me up in hope? But hush, no more.† Macbeth’s prophecy had come true, so he hoped, perhaps it would all happen for him and he would father a line of Kings. Banquo’s inaction and suspicions of Macbeth attracted Macbeth’s attention as his soliloquy in Act 3 denotes, â€Å"Our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature Reigns that which would be feared.† Then at the end of his soliloquy he really expresses his innermost thoughts by saying, â€Å"Only for them, and mine eternal jewel Given to the common enemy of man, To make them Kings, the seed of Banquo Kings!† This showed that he was determined that no- one would interfere with his kingship. Macbeth saw Banquo as simply too strong and honourable a rival to be left alive. Here again, we see that Macbeth and Banquo were closely linked. They were both tragic and doomed with flaws within themselves. Macbeth became obsessed by irrational passions, then anger and fear took hold, resulting in Macbeth having Banquo murdered. Macbeth held a banquet to celebrate his kingship which Banquo had agreed to attend as chief guest. He was indeed chief guest, but only visible to Macbeth as a ghost, taunting him, driving him insane with guilt. Macbeth felt this ghost was real, but it was only an extension of the evil in Macbeth’s troubled mind. This hysterical reaction in Macbeth’s vision aroused the suspicions of the lords attending. All this behaviour exhibited Macbeth as totally deranged, however, it was Banquo who finally exposed Macbeth’s deceptiveness by appearing to him as an ‘avenging angel’ and deeply highlighting Macbeth’s guilt. There were contrasts in Banquo’s character. He was honourable to the King, yet, he was pathetic, unable to act when his suspicions of Macbeth’s evil were obvious. There is also evidence of contrast between Macbeth and Banquo in Act 2. I, when neither of them can sleep. Banquo was tormented by the Witches’ predictions and Macbeth was driven by them. Banquo really wanted what the Witches predicted, but at the same time he wanted to keep a clear conscience. He also observed how Macbeth changed from a loyal warrior into a self-seeking tyrant, but with everything happening so hastily he might not have had the time to act upon his suspicions and maybe he thought about the fact that his suspicions may have been wrong. Banquo clearly displays signs of ambiguity throughout the play.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chapter 9 Psychology Notes

Chapter 9 Psychology Thinking? Cognition: All mental activities associated with processing understanding and communicating Concept: A mental grouping of similar object events and people Prototype: mental imagine that incorporate all the features that we associate with the concept How do we solve problems? Algorithms: Step by step procedure that guarantees a solution. How does it work? Heuristics: Quicker, more efficient but more prone to error. â€Å"Rule of Thumb† Strategy Insight: When you have a sudden flash of inspiration. Johnny Appleton and construction workers.Obstacles to Problem Solving Confirmation Bias: When we search for information that confirms our beliefs Fixation: Inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective Functional Fixedness: When we perceive the function of object as fixed and unchanging. Thinking is also affected by Overconfidence: Our tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our knowledge and judgment Framing: The way an issue is presented Belief Perseverance: Our Inclination to hold on to over belifeinspite of evidence that contradicts them. Language Our spoken written, or gestured words and the way we combine them.How do we acquire it? Babble at 4 months Distinct babbling at 10 months 1 year 1 word sentence Two year say two word sentences. Girls babble before boys, and say sentence before boys too and follows into Elementary school. Three Theories of Language Development Skinner: believes we talk because of Association. Imitation, Reinforcement Chomsky: believes we are pre-wired for language with a LAD (Language Acquisition Device) Whorf: Linguistic Determinism different languages impose difference realities Animal Intelligence Do animals think? They can solve problems and make tools. Read Renal System Physiology PhysioexDo animals have language? They can learn human sign language and communicate with each other. Hunger Hunger pangs Blood sugar drops Release of hormone orexin Hunger may affect -Thinking -Mood -Behavior Set Point – the point at which out weight is set Basal Metabolic Rate – the rate at which your body expends energy to maintain basic body functions Sexual Orientations Long term enduring sexual attraction to the same sex 3-4% of men are homosexual 1-2% of women are homosexual LeVays’s Research – Measured a cluster of cells in brains to determine their sexual orientation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Entrepreneurship Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Entrepreneurship Case study - Essay Example The most obvious reason for branding him as one is that he sought and recognized an opportunity in the niche market took a risk and organized his resources (Harper, 2003; pp 10). He realized that ladders were used in everyday setting thus he created a set of rails that went attached to the ladder would increase the safety levels. This was a new product that is handled well would transform into a profitable venture. By so doing, he hoped to attain financial freedom and provide a better life for his family. He is an entrepreneur as he was future oriented and had a vision that by investing in his business venture, his financial status would be improved and he would spend more time with this family. The only way one can determine his future is by investing in it. He was willing to sacrifice in the short run to reap benefits in the long run. He spent time in developing an idea that had never been tried before but this did not mean that it could not be achieved (Harper, 2003). Sid mobilize d at his all the capital resources at his disposal due to his innovative nature. The general blueprint of his entrepreneurial strategy was rather simple and centralized as Sid wanted to simply sell his product to the local market as he had previous interactions with them (Economic Expert, 2008). Sid Stevens was market driven and was well aware that his success was pegged on the satisfaction of his customers. He was ready to modify his approach to be synonymous with the market demand when there was a demand for different rail specifications. He also managed to create employment and this had an impact on the economy in the long run due to the accelerator and multiplier effects on the economy. Sid Stevens was committed to being the best in his venture and his frustration with his employees on their compromise on quality was unending. He has a strong sense of business ethics that guided his desire to provide quality products. Despite the challenges and frustrations, his resilience in the pursuit of success was undeterred. Initially, his wife, the banker and his former employer expressed their skepticism on the viability of the project. However, Sid's optimism on the possibility of what the future held saw him remain true to his cause (Knight, 1967). Once it took off, he was a f ocused and effective decision maker as any delay in the decision making process will compromise the business. QUESTION 2: The Beermat Entrepreneur notes that four cornerstones are necessary for an entrepreneurial endeavor to succeed. What cornerstones did the Ladder Rail venture have, and which were missing What could Sid have done to fill in these gaps in his business The Beermat entrepreneur demands that ha potential entrepreneur profiles himself so as to determine if one should embark on an entrepreneurial venture or to team up with an actual entrepreneur as a corner stone of a new company or as a member of the dream team of a more established company. A cornerstone is an individual with expertise in certain business areas such as management, leadership, public relations, recruitment, marketing and finance. The four cornerstones according to the Beer Mat entrepreneur are involved in finance, technical operations, business' sales and delivery. These individuals are instrumental in the overall well being of the company as they have the technical know how to deal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Nursing - Critically Reflective Account of a Leadership Issue Research Paper

Nursing - Critically Reflective Account of a Leadership Issue Pertinent to Your Own Work Role - Research Paper Example Research supports the concept that there is no one specific method or style that works all the time. Rather, the leader of a healthcare organization should understand and identify with employees and tailor his or her approach accordingly. Recent reforms have required healthcare organizations to implement new ways of operating and to redefine their purposes, the nature of their work and the relationships between employees. Old-style, top-down bureaucracies are being replaced by organizational structures and cultures in which shared the vision, partnerships, patient empowerment, and collaboration across professions and agencies, are emphasized. â€Å"Effective clinical leadership is essential in delivering the high-quality, person-centered care envisioned by health minister Lord Darzi in the final report of the NHS Next stage review, High-Quality Care for All† (department of health (DH) 2008). Lord Darzi says in his report, that â€Å"it is through unlocking talent that we will achieve high-quality care across the board†. ‘Unlocking talent’ involves tapping into the leadership abilities and potential of all front line staff to deliver high-quality, safe and efficient care to patients and service users. There are four key ideas that should be understood and explored in the creation of an appropriate workplace for health professionals in the new environment. They are patients, management, staff performance, and leadership. The changing requirements and concerns of patients demand that healthcare is delivered in integrated care patterns spreading across some clinical disciplines. (Edmonstone 2005, 10-11) A look into the future of healthcare points clearly toward an integrated approach to the dispensing of health services, from hospital care to health and community agencies. Healthcare in future will be considered from a whole systems approach with the appropriate inter-agency partnership to ensure faultless care. The new workplace must allow for  project-based teams, with core teams and provisional specialists who move from one core team to another.  

Integrated Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Integrated Marketing Communications - Essay Example The increased demand supply dynamics has also helped in increasing the prices of the products which has boosted the bottom line profitability of the participants of the timber industry. This also represents a challenge as higher price of products may lead to instances where the customers would switch over to the alternate products. The benchmark index of the timber industry namely the Softwood Wood Fiber Price Index (SFPI) and the Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) showing increase of 16.5 percent and 17.7 percent respectively in the year 2010. The increase in prices was uniform across all the regions of the world with the exception being Southern United States. USA, Sweden, Brazil and Spain were among the regions where the margins or price rise were the highest. The financial crisis had its negative impact on the products and profitability of the timber industry. ... Certain formidable challenges for the timber industry include repositioning of the image of the industry. In addition to these certain other issues include handling issues of climate change and carbon footprint. The nature of the industry makes it prone to criticisms with regards to environmental issues. Deforestation and greenhouse effect which are directly linked to deforestation lead to severe challenges for the participants of the industry with regards to compliance with the environmental laws and other legislations (Urtubey, n.d.). A report by the United Nations states that approximately 13 million hectares of the land in forests were being deforested and used for other purposes (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2011). The challenge for market players emerges as to devise strategies that would help in convincing the suppliers as to maintain compliance with legislations and to generate profitability and sustainability. Another formidable and important iss ue is the threat from substitute products. The advent of electronic communication and internet has eroded the attractiveness and the usefulness of the participants of the timber industry. Moreover with widespread campaigning against use of paper has again emerged as a formidable challenge to the market players. It remains a challenge for the market players to ensure product modifications and formulation of strategies that would help in projecting the image of the product as an eco friendly and un-substituted product. Diversifying into areas like packaging can help the organizations gain new market opportunities and generation of long term

Saturday, July 27, 2019

College inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

College inc - Essay Example Which is not a bad mindset to be subliminally feeding the viewers at all. The commercials for these schools do not sell an education, they sell idealism. They sell a lifestyle, They sell a promise to give you an education that will set you on the road to financial stability. In other words, the ads feed on the vulnerability of the American population that is looking for a way to have a better life or a better job. The people who tend to be enticed by these ads are those who have been rejected by regular educational institutions either for lack of qualifications or a full roster of students. If I were in charge of a for profit school that is worth around $60 million like Chancellor University, I would allocate 50 percent of the profits to raising the standard of education by hiring the best possible professors that money can buy in a contractual basis. That is because tenure is something that is severely over rated. Teachers should not be paid more on the basis of their tenure at a college, rather they should be paid for the quality of their ability to teach. If they dont pass muster, then get rid of them. But that can only be done if the professor does not hold tenure at the college. Federal grants help the students at the for profit colleges get a jump start on their education by allowing the students access to taxpayer dollars that was meant to help them give back to the society later on in their professional lives. Since the FSA takes care of 90% of the fees, the student practically has a free ride through college. The for profit colleges benefit from the system because they are sure to be paid for their tuition fees and other charges regardless of the actual capacity of the student to pay for their education. Uncle Sam actually takes care of that for them. The problem is that some for profit colleges such as DeVry University offer programs that are not accredited by the correct institutions and therefore

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Project proposal - Essay Example Thus, the law school has the opportunity to explore this possibility by offerings trainings to wider range through competent professionals to get high standards. This will be possible by providing programmes through the use of online sources to cover wider range of law students and explore the opportunities in the market (1Robert Gordon University, 2014). The Aberdeen is one of the largest cities of Scotland with 215,000 population size in the year 2013. Aberdeen is known as the â€Å"Granite City† and it has a beautiful atmosphere with high scope for the job opportunities. There is numerous opportunities in Aberdeen because of the development of various sectors specially Oil and Gas companies. Due to the increase in the market the law firms in this area quiet busy. Thus, the demand for the lawyers is more in the certain areas such as in the tax sector and corporate law due to the implementation of government rules. The Capital Gains Tax legislation in Aberdeen has also increased the need for the lawyers and hence the scope for the law schools is growing. The law department has huge scope with the development of various sub sections because of the increase in the legal matters in different fields. As per the recent surveys, it is noted that the scope in Aberdeen is huge as people seeking to progress have high scope (Clark, 201 4; 2Robert Gordon University, 2014). The size of the market in Aberdeen and beyond has huge opportunity in the legal market with the rising trend in the industries and the income of the people. This gives rise to the need for well-trained lawyers who are capable of handling the corporate law and others. It is viewed that in the past 10-15 years the number of advocates has increased considerably in Scotland. The reason behind the increasing number of lawyers can be evaluated through growing figures according to which the numbers of advocates in Scotland have increased from 250 to 470 (Crown, 2006). This depicts the growing interest

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Concert report - Essay Example These movements are correspondingly arranged in four sonnets. Again, each of the sonnets is further divided into three distinct sections. Each of these sections corresponds to each of the three movements in the concerto. Thus, Vivaldi’s instrumental music tends to sound extra musical. The second piece to be discussed is how Vivaldi provides varied instructions throughout the four concertos. In the second movement of the spring, Vivaldi provides the instruction of The barking dog. In the first movement of The summer, he provides the instruction of Languor caused the heat, and in the second movement of the movement of The autumn, Vivaldi provides instruction of the drunkards have fallen asleep. The texture of each of his concerto also varies. However, each seems to resemble the respective concerto. The third piece to be discussed is Nielsen’s Symphony No.2, Opus 16, The Temperaments. Through this, Nielsen provides and exclusive thrilling musical experience which is described as a depiction of the essential component of human personality. He provided an excellent conducting whether he emphasized on accuracy of dynamics, articulation, balance as well as phrasing. In conclusion, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Concert was provided an overall thrilling musical experience. The combination of Violinist Nicola’s and Thierry Fischer made the concert incredible. Through the concert, I discovered how varied movements and instructions can make a musical concert very appealing to the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ladies and gentleman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ladies and gentleman - Essay Example From the scripts of Castiglione, a universal person is nature’s goal set for every human being. It is only natural to become a well-rounded person. What this universality does to the person is that he/she form his opinion, makes him judgments and decides from a plethora of theories and ideas and incorporates almost every possible angle of the problem under the discussion. Leonardo Da Vinci was one such person, in fact he is also regarded as the prophet of the renaissance god. For he was a master of many fields of life, and he always preached the interconnectedness of things. (2) Create a â€Å"survey† based on the identified characteristics and â€Å"poll† at least ten people to find out whether or not the characteristics are relevant for a â€Å"gentleman† or â€Å"lady† of today. I agree with the characteristics of ladies and gents explained in the Book of Courtier. For instance, in the book a person of high etiquettes is considered to possess the necessary fashion sense (Raleigh, 1997). I agree with the book as it shows the spirit of a gentleman, men and women don’t have to absolutely have to agree with each and everything. For instance, kissing the hand of the lady was considered gentle back when the book was written, these days if someone does that in a club where everyone is dancing to trance music, it would certainly feel odd. The spirit of renaissance should not be taken in letter only, the spirit is more important than the words. Castiglione gave a general idea of what are proper manners in general back in his time plus the roles vary according to regions and cultures, even throughout Europe, the acceptable manners of a gentleman and a lady vary (Burke, 1995). For instance in the book, Sir Fredrick talks about Persia and how women should be at the court. Lord Gaspar thinks that the rules that apply to men are also applicable to women but Lord Julian disagrees. The nature of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How Activities A Company Chooses To Carry Out Within The Value Chain Case Study

How Activities A Company Chooses To Carry Out Within The Value Chain Can Help Companies Achieve Competitive Advantage - Case Study Example This paper illustrates that Dahl posits to the effect that many decisions made by the company are meant to give it competitive advantage so that it can operate viably. This notion is supported by Arline who states that; â€Å"Value chain analysis relies on the basic economic principle of advantage — companies are best served by operating in sectors where they have a relative productive advantage compared to their competitors.† In this case, a company chooses to pursue activities that will give it a competitive advantage through taking into consideration aspects such as product design, marketing, and distribution, all which fall under the ambit of value chain analysis. Indeed, the company should set precedence in determining the strategies that can be implemented in order for it to create and sustain a value chain that in turn can also sustain its operations in the long run. For instance, Whole Foods Market has managed to achieve competitive advantage through leveraging on its value chain specifically designed to offer organic food products to the customers. As people become conscious about their health, this strategy has helped the company to gain a competitive advantage as the customers switch to organic foods. The strength of the company lies in its capability to differentiate the products it offers to the customers. There are other competitors emerging in the organic foods sector but according to Whole Foods Market’s official website, the company has managed to gain a significant market share by virtue of maintaining a unique value chain that is characterized by quality organic products. Its products also have premium prices that are specifically meant to denote quality.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Central Banks and Monetary Policy Essay Example for Free

Central Banks and Monetary Policy Essay In order to fully understand the nature of monetary policy, there is a need to define the function of money. According to economists, the general functions of money are as follows: 1) measure of goods and services, 2) standard of value, 3) medium of exchange, 4) storage of wealth, and 5) speculative function (related to contingency). In a very simple economy, efficiency can be achieved through general exchanges of goods and services. Every family unit or community specializes in the production of one commodity. Goods are exchanged through what economists call ‘barter system. ’ As the community grows, transactions within the simple economy become more and more complicated. There is a need to utilize a new medium of exchange. Money, whatever its earliest forms were, serves as the new medium of exchange, reducing bulkiness and inefficiency in the economy. At some point in time, the quantity of money circulating in this economy increases. This leads to rising price levels of goods and services. As the quantity of money circulating in an economy increases, price levels of goods and services also increase (inflation). The institution tasked to maintain the monetary health of an economy is the central bank. The main functions of central banks are as follows: 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To regulate price levels in an economy by increasing or decreasing the supply of money circulating in an economy; 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To provide a manageable amount of credit in an economy (serves as a stimulus to increased investments); 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To regulate or control exchange rates (in countries where currencies are on a non-floating status); 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To determine equilibrium interest rates (here monetary policy is directly related to fiscal policy, or more accurately interest rates nominally determine consumption levels, supply of money, and investment levels); 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To provide financial/monetary information to businesses and households (central banks report on the general status/health of an economy). The main function of central bank can be summed up as follows: if the general price levels in an economy increases, central banks decreases money supply; if the price levels decreases, central banks increases the supply of money (secondary money markets). Interest rates are also adjusted based on investment, consumption, and government expenditure patterns. When central banks sells bonds and securities, the monetary base of an economy contracts. When central banks buy bonds and securities (in capital markets), the monetary base of an economy expands. Through this process of adjustment/readjustment, central banks are able to regulate financial transactions in an economy. In recent years, the US economy experiences relative decrease in overall national output. Fiscal policies are directed to decrease equilibrium interest rate to encourage increased consumption, investment, and government expenditure (increasing output in the long-run). As of the present, the Federal Reserve monetary policy is directed to: 1) increasing the supply of money in the US economy (Federal Funds Rate), and 2) increasing the flow of credit (provide households and businesses with increased volatile funds). According to the recent Federal Reserve Report, there are indications that the US economy continues to contract. Household spending has shown signs of stabilization but gravely constrained by job losses, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. Overall sales and demand for manufactures continue to decline. There are also signs that inflation could persist for a time. To counter these economic difficulties, the Committee of the Federal Reserve will maintain the target range for the fed funds rate at 0 to 25%. To increase the money supply in the US economy (to prevent contraction), the Federal Reserve will buy a total of $1.25 trillion of agency-backed securities. At autumn, the Federal Reserve will purchase about $300 billion of treasury securities as a form of credit collateral. Note that the Federal Reserve is increasing the monetary base of the US economy by purchasing securities and treasuries. What are the general effects of monetary policy on production and employment? Suppose that the economy is in the process of contraction (not to be confused with the monetary base). The central bank has two complimentary options: decreasing the nominal interest rate and increasing the money supply. An increase in both the interest rate and the money supply would increase aggregate demand. This will shift the aggregate demand to the right, indicating a higher national output. On the supply side, this will induce firms to decrease their supply of goods to the market; indicating a leftward shift of the aggregate supply. Depending on the strength of income and substitution effect, the increase in national output via the aggregate demand may be higher or lower than the decrease in output via the supply side. In short, a monetary policy only serves to maintain the stability of an economy.

Pestel Framework Essay Example for Free

Pestel Framework Essay The political environment (Refer Section 1 in Appendix 01) does not favour Fonterra’s operating environment with heavy control over milk powder pricing. Political figureheads at times lead the public to perceive that multinational dairies are working towards destroying the local dairy industry. With the ending of a 26-year old war within the country there is stability in the political environment which in normal cases encourages foreign investment. However the government’s policies and tight regulations towards foreign investment and trade, creates an unfavourable environment for operating multinationals like Fonterra. Noted. In the economic front (Refer section 2 in Appendix01), with base commodity prices being reliant on global trends and heavy fluctuations on exchange rates, budgeting for the purchase of full cream and skim milk from New Zealand proves difficult with currency fluctuations most often surpassing budgeted variances. Subsidies by the government to selected local dairy companies also give unfavourable advantage to them over Fonterra. Socially, similar to world trends, the aging population in the country has opened up new opportunity for Fonterra to move in with its Anlene product, coincidentally at a time when mature markets like full cream milk come under heavy smear campaigns with global issues such as the melamine scare in China. Such incidents create negative perception on all powdered milk products that not only impact short term sales figures but also tarnish the brand loyalty Fonterra has established throughout the years (refer section 3 of Appendix01). When we analyse technological trends and their implications on Fonterra (Refer section 4 in Appendix01), many technological improvements ranging from foraging, nutrition, and flavouring to packaging, has influenced Fonterra to create its own biotechnology subsidiary called ViaLactia Biosciences, working on identifying, discovering and commercialising genes that affect pasture grasses, milk production and milk composition. One such discovery was the response to bone decay known as Osteoporosis that most ging populations of the world are facing. By combining bone strengthening nutrients like Calcium, Zinc, Protein and Magnesium, Fonterra was able to create the brand Anlene. Environmental influences on Fonterra’s strategy are discussed in detail in section 5 of Appendix01. Government sponsored environmental schemes both globally and locally such as deployment of Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) and application of Afforestation Grants Scheme (AGS) increases Fonterra operational costs by having to monitor their greenhouse emissions. Fonterra has to include many green initiatives in to their strategy ranging from simple measures such as waste water treatment to more far-reaching methods like emission trading schemes to forestry provisioning. In addition the trend to move towards more renewable energy globally would drive the energy costs higher for Fonterra. On legislative front (Refer section 6 in Appendix01), Fonterra plans and operates under strict legislative framework governed by many authorities both globally and locally as content claims on dairy product are heavily scrutinised. Furthermore, products such as Anchor 1+ that cater to infant nutrition require additional measures due to their sensitive nature throughout their lifecycle from production to transportation. Any mishap on the part of a multinational such as Fonterra can lead to a product recall. Therefore additional operational costs have to be borne in maintaining hygiene in areas such as production, packaging, storage and transportation. Refer Appendix01 for a detailed analysis on current industry trends and implications to Fonterra. An extremely good analysis.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Madonna: Queen Of The Pop

Madonna: Queen Of The Pop When you hear the word Madonna, a lot of thoughts and memories might come to your mind. Some of us would remember her as this young blonde girl who was singing songs like Like a Virgin or Papa dont preach in her debuts, others will rather remember her countless tours around the world, other might think more of the controversies she caused and other might just criticize her for her latest trial to adopt a child of the Malawi. Since we are doing a music project, I will try to be as focused on her music as much as possible but since Shes Madonna (Robbie Williams song), I will to talk about her overall career. According to Biography (2009), Madonna was born Madonna Louise Ciccone in 1958 in Michigan, USA. She grew up in the Catholic faith, lost her mother by cancer when she was still 5 years old and was an incident that highly affected Madonnas teenage days who said I think the biggest reason I was able to express myself and not be intimated was by not having a motherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ For example, mothers teach you manners. And I absolutely did not learn any of those rules and regulations. Her stepmother treated her like Cinderella since she had to take care of her younger sisters and brothers and that made her revolt by rejecting her faith and putting exposed clothes. Being an excellent student, and a fine dancer, she dropped college and decided to learn dance in New York City. (ibid) She met Dan Gilroy of Breakfast Club and discovered the combination of the stage and the singing. She went solo in 1981 and released her first hit Everybody in 1982 under her original name Madonna which has reached the first place on the dance charts of that year. The rest was like a fairy tale (ibid). The success was immediate and her album Madonna which sold 10 million copies in the world set the artist for an international career according to Linternaute (2009). Musical style Peach (1998:191) notes in her book that Her music shifted from disco and bubble-gum to rock to personal statements and melodic torch singing, then, with the aid of her music videos, to pop modernism . Listening to her songs and her albums, we can notice that her first albums are very different musically speaking from her last album. Madonna evolved with the demand of its epoch along with her style and her clothes. In fact, I listened to her second album Like a virgin and it was talking more about the universal themes like the parents, family, marriage and giving morals and was more pop and rock than her last album Hard candy which was a mixture of Pop, dance, electro pop, RB, hip hop which by the way I didnt personally like. Although on her 2nd albums cover, she was dressed in a wedding robe and her hair was long while her last albums cover shows a Madonna more provocateur than ever touching her lips, putting the cross and wearing a wrestlers belt. Why do people listen to her? I do believe that despite that she now reached the age of 50 years; shes still famous and well known for her music. In fact, she is not talented naturally nor is a Miss Universe. Grant (2005:6) wrote that the activities she do which are music videos, concerts, records, movies, books and charity events have all one goal which is the search for a celebrity position. Grant (ibid ) argues that once she reached this status, she started abusing from it and using it to attract or reject more people around the world especially when it came to using sex as a advertising instrument, pornographic images, nudity, suggestions of sexual deviance and combination of sexual and spiritual themes. Shes an icon, shes famous worldwide. The church condemned her music and especially her album like a prayer. In 1992, she released a book called Sex which showed some pictures of her in different erotic poses (Biography, 2009). I see Madonna as an entrepreneur who knew how to keep up to date with her epoch and this can be seen from her musical style and clothing style and I believe people adore this type of person because if a singer doesnt bring up constantly something new , people will get used to his/her style and soon he/she will be forsaken. Targeted Audience The youth are Madonnas prime target since her last album Hard Candy was for example featuring her and Justin Timberlake on the song 4 minutes to save the world, Timbaland and the Neptunes who are icons for the younger generation. Also she talks about other young talents like Ali G or William Orbit:Ive met these people along the way in my career and I want to take them everywhere I go. I want to incorporate them into my little factory of ideas. I also come into contact with a lot of young talent that I feel entrepreneurial about (from Grant (2005:6)). This is also a confirmation of her steps to keep up to date with its epoch. As for the targeted people when she started, and talking from a personal point of view, I remember my mother telling me that she used to listen to Madonna in her 20s but nowadays she doesnt follow her actuality anymore since it is not her style of songs any longer and in fact, when going higher in age, our tastes and interests change. This means that her target w as always the youth generation (early 20s to 32). Relationships related to Other Activities As mentioned before, Madonna is a singer, writer, dancer, movie actress. When reading about her multiple relationships with famous people of her epoch, I can see that these relationships were a strategy for reaching goals faster than normal. She dated Dan Gilroy of the breakfast club, her first band ever, then with the musician Jellybean Benitez (AbsoluteMadonna, 2009). Her marriage with movie actor Sean Penn took place in the equivalent timeline of her entry to the world of Hollywood. At this point of time, she was already famous and many men were actually looking forward to date her. Nowadays, she has a boy toy named Jesus whom she uses for every task. Influences In an interview with Larry King Live cited on CNN (1999), she says that her influences were Led Zeppelin, Karen Carpenter, the Suppremes and Martha Graham, Rudolph Nureyev for the dance. As for the influences of actors, she admits in an interview with the TIME magazine in 1985 cited in Allaboutmadonna (2009) I also loved Carole Lombard and Judy Holliday and Marilyn Monroe. They were all just incredibly funny, and they were silly and sweet and they were girls and they were feminine and sexy. The provocateur, the icon Madonna is such a big icon that many artists/bands have sung songs about her like the Shes Madonnaby Robbie Williams or even the song Do it with Madonna from The Android (Onpedia, 2009). We cannot compare her to Elvis Presley whos got more than 50 songs referencing him, but we can say she does pretty well. Her domination of the Masculine sex is incontestable. Peach (1998:198) writes in her book talking about the Queen of the Pop that she was [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] frequently wearing mens clothes, grabbing her crotch, and declaring she the boss, thus occupying male positions. She also had her male dancers wear fake breasts, womens clothes, and submit to her power and control. The message was that male and female were social constructs that could be deconstructed and that women could occupy male positions, roles, and behavior and vice versa. In her fourth album Like a prayer, Madonna broke all the traditions of her time being the first singer to reveal what is normally masked by showing off one bellys button as we can see on the albums cover (Virginmedia). She was a pioneer in this type of marketing. Madonna has been voted by the Advocate, a LGBT magazine as the biggest gay icon of all time as seen on Madonnanewsroom (2009). Who doesnt remember her kissing Britney Spears in a trio with Christ ina Aguilera? I still remember it very well when it happened in 2003 and at that time, I was only aged 14 years old and I was shocked by this kiss. I do think that following this video, I started to learn more about the LGBT community especially the lesbians. Records Dailymail (2006) wrote that Madonna made the highest earnings a female singer has ever achieved. The Guardian (2008) notes that Madonna made it into the UK Top 40 every year except three years; 1988, 2004 and 2007. She has sold more than 200 million albums worldwide in 27 years of career according to ArticlesBase (2007). Interesting Facts The following facts have their sources from The Guardian (2008): According to her brother Christopher, the only thing Madonna can cook is Rice Krispie cakes. This means that dishes she is incapable of serving up include La Isla Bolognese, Dear Jelly, Hanky Lamb Shanky, Dont Cry for Me Polenta, and Crazy for Yule Log. Like A Virgin was originally written for a MAN. Madonna once noted: I want to be like Gandhi and Martin Luther King and John Lennon but I want to stay alive. Madonna lost her virginity in the back of a Cadillac, later explaining that she saw it as a career move. Conclusion As words of conclusion, I would like to say that Madonna has never stopped to surprise us with whatever she does, was it controversial, unusual or provocateur, and I do believe that she will remain the Queen of the pop constantly adapting herself to the changes and variations of our epoch. As time goes on, she will keep breaking records and I do believe that her age is not a barrier at all.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Cyber Crimes are crimes committed via the Internet. In some cases, the source of attack is the computer system. These types of attacks can come in the forms of computer viruses such as worms or Trojan horses, DOS (denial of service), and electronic vandalism. (OJP, 2013). The computer can also be used to commit theft such as embezzlement, financial information, and fraud. Other uses involves malicious adware, phishing, spoofing, spyware, and hacking; to name a few. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, over the past few years, have worked diligently monitoring and combatting criminal behavior occurring on the Internet. To do this, they have joined forces with the National White Collar Crime Center and formed an organization known as the IC3. The IC3 was developed in 2000 with its purpose of combating Internet crimes. This organization accepts criminal complaints that occur on the Internet. The IC3 conducts investigations into the complaints and with sufficient evidence or cause, refers them to state, local, federal or international law enforcement agencies for further investigations. The IC3 mission is to â€Å"serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cybercrime.† (IC3, n.d.). According to the IC3, in 2008, they received 275,284 complaints. Compared to the 2007 complaints, there were 33.1% more complaints. The majority of the complaints filed were related to both fraudulent and non-fraudulent issues on the Internet. The crimes reported consisted of non-delivery of merchandise and/or payment which was 32.9%, auction fraud represented 25.5% of the complaints, credit and debit card fraud represented 9.0% of complaints, Confidence fraud, computer fraud, and check f... ... loss: $4,187.†(IC3, 2012). In 2012, the IC3 received 289,874 complaint submissions. Of these 39.64% reported financial loss. The 2012 Internet Crime Report indicated that the overall statistics were as so: Total complaints received: 289,874, Complaints reporting loss: 114,908, Total Loss: $525,441,110.00, Median dollar loss for those reporting a loss: $600.00, Average dollar loss overall: $1,813.00, Average dollar loss for those reporting loss: $4,573.00. (IC3, 2013). Based on the statistics and rise in Internet crime since the organization was formed in 2000, the need for additional staffing has been sufficient enough to withstand the number of complaints received on a monthly basis. For states that experience high levels of a particular Internet crime, the IC3 should consider increasing staff in an effort to combat the crimes that plague that particular area.

How To Play Asshole :: essays research papers

To all you incoming college freshman that don’t want to make a fool of yourself at college parties, learn this drinking game. Perhaps the King of all drinking games, Asshole is a true American classic. Asshole is a game that tests one’s ability to concentrate, as well as one’s threshold for humiliation, for the object of the game is for those in power to abuse those who are not. I’m sure that most of you out there have at least heard of this game, and I am aware that there are many different ways to play. With this in mind, the following is intended as a basic outline of the rules. The first thing you need is a group of willing and open people, a large table and a deck of cards. Further, be advised that plenty of beer should be on hand as this game has a tendency for mass consumption of alcohol. Shuffle the cards, (I realize that this is obvious, however there are boneheads out there) and remove the jokers. To begin play, have all the cards placed in the middle of the table and have every player draw a card. The player with the highest card, 2 being low and Ace high, is appointed President. The next highest cardholder becomes the Vice-President, and so on and so forth until the player holding the lowest card becomes affectionately known as the Asshole. In the event that two or more players draw the same value card, have those players draw again so that their position can be determined. However, if one of the players involved in a second drawing happens to draw a card higher than the card that of the President that player doesn’t become President. They as sume the position in question and the loser of the draw-off takes the position below that person. Players occupying positions falling between VP and Asshole are known as common people, but they may choose titles as well. Some of them are as follows: Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, Speaker of the House, Treasurer, Doorman and Beer-bitch, (who assists the Asshole in his/her duties), are often used. All titles are subject to the dreaded presidential veto and has his or her subsequent wrath, so be humble. The roles of each player are as follows: President: can make any player drink at any time, no one may make the President drink but himself. How To Play Asshole :: essays research papers To all you incoming college freshman that don’t want to make a fool of yourself at college parties, learn this drinking game. Perhaps the King of all drinking games, Asshole is a true American classic. Asshole is a game that tests one’s ability to concentrate, as well as one’s threshold for humiliation, for the object of the game is for those in power to abuse those who are not. I’m sure that most of you out there have at least heard of this game, and I am aware that there are many different ways to play. With this in mind, the following is intended as a basic outline of the rules. The first thing you need is a group of willing and open people, a large table and a deck of cards. Further, be advised that plenty of beer should be on hand as this game has a tendency for mass consumption of alcohol. Shuffle the cards, (I realize that this is obvious, however there are boneheads out there) and remove the jokers. To begin play, have all the cards placed in the middle of the table and have every player draw a card. The player with the highest card, 2 being low and Ace high, is appointed President. The next highest cardholder becomes the Vice-President, and so on and so forth until the player holding the lowest card becomes affectionately known as the Asshole. In the event that two or more players draw the same value card, have those players draw again so that their position can be determined. However, if one of the players involved in a second drawing happens to draw a card higher than the card that of the President that player doesn’t become President. They as sume the position in question and the loser of the draw-off takes the position below that person. Players occupying positions falling between VP and Asshole are known as common people, but they may choose titles as well. Some of them are as follows: Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, Speaker of the House, Treasurer, Doorman and Beer-bitch, (who assists the Asshole in his/her duties), are often used. All titles are subject to the dreaded presidential veto and has his or her subsequent wrath, so be humble. The roles of each player are as follows: President: can make any player drink at any time, no one may make the President drink but himself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Water in T. Coraghessan Boyles Greasy Lake Essay -- T. Coraghessan B

Water in T. Coraghessan Boyle's Greasy Lake Water is a powerful medium for introspection. This truth is evident in the short story, 'Greasy Lake,' by T. Coraghessan Boyle. In this story, water serves as a catalyst for self-reflection, as it propels the protagonist into a certain degree of conflict, and ultimately works to reveal and confront the character?s inner struggle. In 'Greasy Lake,' the dualism of the characters' nature is ever-present. They are self-proclaimed bad guys who 'cultivated decadence like a taste' (79). As the story progresses, however, it is revealed that just the opposite is true. While they are essentially caricatures of themselves, it is this dynamic that drives the story. Their tough exterior is just that, an exterior veneer that permeates their actions as 'dangerous characters.' The narrator is somewhat detached from the younger self of his story. It is an ironic detachment'a parody of his moral ignorance. He recalls the 'bad? antics of his youth: driving their 'parents' whining station wagons,' but doing so as bad as humanly possible, of course. He mocks both himself and his friends in his retrospection of their experience in Greasy Lake, the consummate locale of 'bad.' To the boys, the lake serves as a kind of haven for bad characters such as themselves. Truly, however, the lake is an extension of the dynamic between who the boys are and who they parade around as. It is here where the previous and false understanding about their world is shattered, and they are thrust into a moralistic reformation. Ultimately, the dichotomous nature of the protagonist is resolved by his visit to the lake, and perhaps, the lake itself. Water proves to be significantly influential as it relates to... ...ll he can do is suppress his urge to cry. The protagonist?s realization of his own maturity is ironic. Once so eager to appear ?bad,? but lacking the true essence of this word, the narrator has achieved this status at the price of his naivete, and wishes that he could return. In ?Greasy Lake,? water is a powerful entity. The lake works to reveal the true nature of the narrator and his friends. Water is in itself the most influential character of the story. It submerges the protagonist, both physically and metaphorically, in his own mentality. The lake serves as a great equalizer. It creates and resolves conflict, all to force the narrator to confront his weakness and reveal his strength. Works Cited Boyle, T. Coraghessan. ?Greasy Lake.? Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories. Ed. T. Coraghessan Boyle. Boston: Wadsworth, 2004. 79-87

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of the New York Yankees

The New York Yankees are hands down the most successful franchise in professional baseball. They became the modern day goliath in every facet of the game. However, it hasn’t always been like that. The team originated in the late 1800’s in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1899, the Minneapolis team moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where they became the Baltimore Orioles. Minneapolis and Baltimore both failed to realize the behemoth that was to become the Yankees. In 1903, the team moved to New York City, and became the New York Highlanders. The New York Highlanders built a stadium at 168th and Broadway, and called it Hilltop Park.After losing their first game against Washington, they won their first home game, against the same Washington team. This is when their uniforms developed the famous pin stripes. In 1913, the team moved to the Polo Grounds and officially became the New York Yankees. The Yankees acquired many players from the Boston Red Sox because the owner of the Red Sox refused to pay high salaries. George Herman Ruth Jr. , known to sports fans as Babe Ruth was the most notable acquisition in 1919. In the 1920’s the Yankees won 3 world championships, and started their rise to worldwide fame.In 1923 the Yankees Stadium was built in the heart of the Bronx, in New York City. This stadium became the home of the Yankees from 1923 to 1973 and from 1976 to 2008 essay writer cheap. The stadium’s nickname, â€Å"The House That Ruth Built†, has the most history, from the dozens of Hall of Famers that played in the pinstripes type my essay online, to all the World Series titles. The Yankees stadium hosted 6,581 Yankees regular season home games during its 85-year history. Many baseball historians consider the 1927 Yankees team to be the best assembled of all time. In the World Series, they swept the Pittsburgh Pirates.This Yankee team is known for their feared lineup, which was nicknamed â€Å"Murderers' Row†. In the 1930’s the winning continued with Joe DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig, and they won four straight titles. From the 1940’s to the 1950’s the winning ways continued, as the Yankees won five more World Series titles. This was the era of Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, and Whitey Ford. In 1956, starting pitcher Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history. Larsen’s gem during the 1956 World Series was the first and only perfect game to occur during the postseason and World Series.The Yankees would close the decade of the 1950’s winning a total of seven World Series titles. In 1964, CBS bought the Yankees for 11. 2 million dollars. In 1973, CBS sold the Yankees to George Steinbrenner for 10 million dollars. This would go down as one of the worst deals in sports history for CBS. While the Yankees stadium was refurbished in 1974 and 1975, they played their home games in Shea stadium, home of the New York Mets. Yankees off and on again coach Billy Martin held th e position five different times, and led the team over the Los Angeles Dodgers in six games in the 1977 World Series.This is the World Series Reggie Jackson hit three home runs in a single game, and how he earned his nickname â€Å"Mr. October. † The 1980’s were lean times in which they did not win one World Series title. Don Mattingly was the best known Yankee during the 80’s. In 1983, Dave Righetti pitched the 6th no-hitter in Yankee’s history. 1983 also marked the famous â€Å"pine tar game† with the Kansas City Royals. The 1990’s started as the 1980’s ended. A breakthrough happened in 1996 when the Yankees hired Joe Torre, and then went on to win the World Series that same year. Torre brought the winning edge of previous decades to the new age Yankees.Derek Jeter would go on to become the next Yankees legend. The Yankees went on to win the 1998, 1999, and 2000 World Series, to complete the historic three-peat. The 2008 season was the last season played at historic Yankee Stadium. To celebrate the final year and history of Yankee Stadium, the 2008 MLB All-Star Game was played there on July 15, 2008. It wouldn’t take long for their next World Series title, as they won it all in 2009 with manager Joe Girardi at the helm. In all, the Yankees have 27 championships, more than any other team in any American sport.In pursuit of winning World Series titles, the franchise has utilized a large payroll to recruit star talent, particularly under former owner George Steinbrenner. Individual names are never put on the back of a Yankee’s uniform, because you are not an individual, you are a Yankee. The New York Yankees have inducted 36 players into the Hall of Fame, with more to come in the future. Playing for the Yankees is a huge desire for many kids and professional baseball players. Putting on those pinstripes represents history and pride. Hall of famer Joe DiMaggio put it best when he said, â€Å"Iâ€⠄¢d like to thank the good lord for making me a Yankee. †   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Boy Called It

The deficits David Pelzer willing concur to over begin according to biological and environ psychological foundations and emotional and social development will deal primarily with the neglect he suffered as a peasant.This environmental muniment will play a major role and an obstacle at existence accepted into new schools, new families and in any future job he holds. He will have to come to terms with the form relationships children and parents have as opposed to his neglected childhood gentility by non only his grow, exclusively the social service system and nourish families.The way in which David experience mental health is through the wagerions of his begin. His mother, Catherine Roerva, tortured David some(prenominal) physically and emotionally by non even considering him a give-and-take, or a human being but an it.As much(prenominal) her mental health made it unrealizable for her to raise her child and instead her illness (and her alcoholism) made her torture hi m, not fertilize or clothe him and basically not treat him as a news not to mention a person, SMACK, mother hits me in the formula and I lean to the floor. I know better than to foot there and take the hit. I well-educated the hard way that she takes that as an act of defiance, which means more hits or beat of all no food.I regain my durability and dodge her looks as she screams into my ears(Pelzer 3). To a young person child, such experiences of mental health watch it detrimental to truly experience anything normal for his sense of normalcy is warped due(p) to his exposure of these horrific experiences.Although David did have mavin of the worst childhood abuse cases in the state of California (he was caged in the basement, not allowed to eat, and was threatened physically almost daily) he did end up in the child upbeat system where he try to adjust to a new livelihood outside of his mothers abuse.Finally at the age of 12 David was taken from his mothers care thanks t o the suspensor of school teachers and other authorities and at that time he entered into the social welfare system through foster care. In this system David experienced other types of twain horrible and kind human drill for which he goes into detail with his other retain entitled The Lost boy A A Foster Childs Search for the Love of a Family.On the fare of biological deficits, David Pelzer may have to face the fact that his mother neglected him later he was born,Genetic counseling is a communication process designed to help couples pass judgment theirChances of giving birth to a treat with a hereditary overthrow and ask the best course of action in view of risks and family goals.As such, Davids mother, given the extract may not have had her son because of her own actions which was detrimental to his health. In Davids case, it is not a hereditary overthrow but more of an environmental disorder that he has in him.Works CitedPelzer, David. (1995). A Boy Called It. HCI. 1 995.Wall, Charles M. (April, 1975). Child Abuse A societal Problem with Educational Implications. Peabody Journal of Education. 52 (3). 222-225.

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8

EllaI realize I have more issues than I thought. As soon as we turn onto the Back Road, a passion combusts inside me. It only flames hotter when we pull up to The Hitch, an old abandoned restaurant stationed at the end of the road.Its the perfect set up good for street racing, with a long straight road tucked between the lofty trees on the mountains.We still should talk Ella! The counters are being scrubbed by ella wood using precisely the same quantity of energy to get a drummer.He pulls the car to the side, maneuvering carefully across the pot holes. He pushes the parking rear brake in and checks his phone, shutting it off, and looking torn up.â€Å"Whats wrong?† I ask. â€Å"You look upset?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nothings wrong.Umm Caroline needs you to receive ready.

Itll ruin your whole Im-neutral-and-dont-give-a-shit act.†I opt to remain impartial. â€Å"Who are you planning to race tonight?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You mean who are we racing?† He smiles alluringly through the full dark cab of the car. â€Å"Well, I thought Id leave that up to you.Ethan slaps the rear of my mind.† I rub my broad forehead with the back of my hand. â€Å"Does he still got that piece of crap 6 cylinder in his Camaro?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah, he does.† Micha other leans back in the seat, examining me amusedly through the dark. â€Å"You think thats who I should go for?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Its the obvious choice.No suspects are arrested.

†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You think I should take on special someone in my own league?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If you want the win to mean anything, then yeah.†We look at each other, like magnets begging to last get closer. Yet flip one the wrong direction and they will push apart.â€Å"So which one is it, pretty girl?† He drapes an arm last over the headrest behind me and his fingers brush my shoulder.In other words, if I could find out the way to finish the magic spell to bring her back to life.â€Å"Micha, I think we should go back.† I put my seatbelt back on. â€Å"This isnt my thing anymore.†He small presses his lips together firmly.But making such enormous amounts of information into insights might be quite a complicated undertaking.

Was it bad news on that full text you got?†He traces the figure eight tattoo on his forearm. â€Å"Do you remember when I got this?†I absentmindedly touch my lower back. â€Å"How could I forget, since I have the same one on my back?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do you remember why we got them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I cant remember anything about that night.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Exactly, yet youll remember it forever."Micha is an intriguing title.â€Å"Do you want to much talk about it?†He shakes his head, still focused on the tattoo. â€Å"Nah, Im good.†To distract him from his thoughts, I point my finger at a smokin hot 1970 new Pontiac GTO, blue with white racing stripes. â€Å"What about Benny? Does he still have the 455?†Michas eyes are pools of black liquid.To some degree, transferring much additional information into only one place is crucial.

Im not racing unless youre in the car with me. Its tradition.†A starvation inside me emerges. â€Å"Alright, Ill free ride with you, just as long as you do one thing for me?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Say it and its yours,† he says without blinking.Not worth while youre still coherent, anyhow.His face is indecipherable, his breathing fierce, his gaze relentless. â€Å"Okay, then. Lets go win us a race.†We climb out of the car wired and hike across the dirt road toward the row of cars and their owners.Since you dont need to.

†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Well, what do we have here?† Mikey, the owner of the Camaro, strides up to us. Hes got black hair, a kink in his nose, and his thick neck is enclosed with a barb-wire tattoo. â€Å"Is the infamous famous duo back again to get their asses kicked?†I roll my eyes. â€Å"You beat us once and that was by default due to a flat tire.It doesnt mean anything to anybody who matters.†Micha squeezes my shoulder, trying to keep me calm. â€Å"So whos up first? Or has no one decided yet.†Mikey eyes Michas Chevelle and theres a nervous look in his eyes. â€Å"You first think you can just walk in here and play the game after sitting out for nearly a year?†I mouth to Micha, a year?Micha shrugs."Yeah, but it was not a huge thing.

†Mikeys laughter echoes the night. â€Å"You and what army?†I point at Michas Chevelle parked near the road. â€Å"That army right there.†Mikey shakes longer his head and shoos us away.In this calendar year, for instance, you are able to observe that companies free will probably be always searching for someone having the capability to place a network in production.â€Å"As opposed to yours?† I retort, getting into Mikeys face. â€Å"Because that things all looks and no go.†Micha directs me back by the shoulders and a trace of amusement laces his voice. â€Å"Easy there, tiger.Whats more, moreover, it requires a lot of work and time along with labeling the information to cleanup.

Mikey points a finger sharply at me. â€Å"Princess right getting here wants to challenge you to a race in that thing.†Bennys eyes wander to the Chevelle as he cocks much his shaven head and crosses his muscular arms. â€Å"Micha, isnt that your car?†Micha pats my back and winks at me.There were not any military secrets with me.In fact, it might be kinda nice to have a challenge for a change.† Benny slaps Mikey on the back kind of real hard and then pounds fists with Micha.â€Å"Thanks man,† Micha says with a respective nod. â€Å"Are you and I going to line up first then?†Benny bobs his head up and down, nodding as he stares at the road pensively.Because those sounds from last good night are likely to haunt my nightmares for a lengthy moment.

â€Å"Because beating him wont be easy.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Youre my plan.† He opens the passenger next door for me. â€Å"With you in the car, theres no way I wont win, otherwise youll never let me live it down.Probably other people today are beginning to think things.† He slides across the front of the hood and climbs into the drivers seat.â€Å"Youre such a show off,† I remark.He starts up the engine and it thunders to life. â€Å"Thats like the pot calling the kettle black.Her mother was like that lots of occasions.

You were standing on the roof with a snowboard strapped to your feet, telling everyone you could make the jump. I think thats pretty close to showing off.†I make an innocent face. â€Å"But I did make the jump, didnt I?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah, but not without breaking apply your arm,† he says.You might need to understand that maybe she does not wish to go captured.â€Å"I was there because I wanted to be.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You missed a first performance because of me.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont care – never have.†My gaze involuntarily flicks to his lips."Alright, youre in need of a workout.

He shoots me a smug look, cocking an eyebrow. â€Å"Now thats showing off.†Shaking my head, I restrain a grin. Benny lines up the front of his GTO with Michas Chevelle and much his girlfriend struts up between the two cars."I didnt need to think about anymore.â€Å"When did they get here?†Micha ignores me, eyeing Benny through his rolled down window. â€Å"To the baseline logical and back?†Bennys arm is resting casually on top of the steering wheel. â€Å"Yeah, man. First one back wins.Im convinced you dont have to hear it.

Go!† Her hands young shoot down and screeches cut the air. A trail of dust engulfs us as we race off. The trees on the side of the road are a blur, and the sky is one big streak of stars. I keep silent as Micha shifts the car over and over again, but something inside me awakens from a very deep sleep.Micha has a thing for flipping the car around, without decreasing the acceleration. Its scary as hell, but it works every time. Besides with the longer body of Bennys GTO it doesnt have quite the turning power.We reach the end and I should probably be nervous.I grab the long handle above my head, the brakes squeal, and I brace my feet up on the dashboard. Its like being on a merry-go-round on crack. Everything spins – the trees, the sky, Micha. For a second, I shut my eyes and it feels such like Im flying.By the time were speeding up the road again, hes a small distance behind us. Micha punches the gas and major shifts the car into a higher gear.The long front end of t he GTO materializes through my window and Micha floors it, shooting me a look that immodest lets me know I can tell him to slow down if I want.I dont.

Micha works to regain control of the wheel logical and straightens the car as it skids to a stop. Everything settles and the dust slowly clears. Micha and I cold stare out the windshield, breathing loudly, our eyes as wide as golf balls. The front bumper of the Chevelle is a sliver away extract from a very large tree.Im an adrenaline junkie. Plain and simple, but I think its how Ive been all along. I just never admitted.Im no longer in control.His hand comes up behind my head and he entices my lips back to his.Something snaps inside me, like a rubber band. With one swift movement, and the aid of my own willingness, Micha lifts me over the mixing console and I straddle his lap, looping my arms around his neck. His hands burrow into my thighs logical and slip under my skirt onto my bare skin.â€Å"Stay here, baby,† he whispers, like he can read my thoughts. â€Å"Trust me, okay? Dont run.†He busy waits for me to nod and then crashes his lips into mine, keeping his h ands under my skirt. I arch my body into him, pressing my chest against his, and my nipples tingle.

It sends a shock through my body and my legs uncontrollably tighten around him, my knees pressing into his sides.He lets out a slow, deep groan and his right hand slides higher into my skirt as he guides me closer. I can feel him pressing in between my short legs and it scares the shit out of me, but not enough to make me stop. Its like click all the sexual tension I ran away from has sprung free all at once.â€Å"Are you two having fun in there?†I jump back and my cheeks start to heat at the sight of Ethan and Lila staring at us through the window. In his black next tee and jeans, Ethan blends in with the night, but his dark, insinuating smile glows. Lilas eyes are magnified and how her jaw is hanging open. Micha does nothing to help the situation.â€Å"So who won the race?† I ask, smoothing the last of the wrinkles out of my skirt.Ethan smirks at me. â€Å"Is that what youre really thinking about at the moment?†I stare at him blankly. â€Å"What else wou ld I be thinking about?†Micha climbs out of the car, stretching his long legs.†Micha interlaces our fingers. â€Å"So the same old, same old.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You know how these things go.† Ethan pats Michas shoulder sympathetically.

I cant crush him. I need to repaint the lines somehow.â€Å"We should just leave,† Micha says to me. â€Å"Lets not even give how them the benefit of our argument.†I let out a shaky breath and nod. â€Å"That sounds good to me.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You want to meet up at the house?† he asks Ethan. â€Å"Im sure were going to have to do some tuning up on The Beast after what I just did.†Lila laughs. â€Å"Oh, I get it. Although, I like my name better.†Micha traces his thumb along the palm of my hand.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Youve spent time with me every day for the last eight months,† part she replies. â€Å"I think were good for a few hours.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ill take care of her.† Ethan chucks the empty bottle of soda across the parking lot and it lands in the back of his truck.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Clerval and Elizabeth Essay

It confirms our legal opinion that he has perform curse, just now if we in any case enjoy the argument shadow this,For no motion what he does he leave behind perpetu eachy be shunned by public because of his appearance, and wherefore why should he head them forgivingness if it is non reciprocated. The off of William, 3 be either un good-hearted acts, they atomic number 18 withal acts of vengeance towards Frankenstein. just ab go forth would however, repugn that if Frankenstein had and so make him a egg-producing(prenominal) abetter _or_ abettor then(prenominal)ce the chafe would ask ceased and Elizabeths life drool would expect been sp ared. Frankenstein declares him a lusus naturae for these actions, only subsequently all Frankenstein washed-up the zoologys hopes for a distaff companion.However, the death penaltys of William and Clerval rear overly, in close to sorts, be confirm as acts of retaliation although they arouse be seen as r crimsongeful and foul. This shows the faunas heavy side. He is in addition undefendable of evil pediculosis in the path that he in cold blood and calculatingly frames Justine of a murder she did non assign bloody shame Shelly had umpteen a(prenominal) themes track passim her story bases on what she matte and what was red ink on almost her at the time. unmatched of the main themes is ascendent reform. bloody shame Shelly wholeness time depict the french innovation by verbalism the giant today awoke. The soul accredited the blow up which lighten it into an inextinguishable consume . This could as be her describing the shaft. During The cut mutation neer in front were seen acts that were carried pop out by the public heap, the despicable were flat bald- expectd to abrogate the rich. bloody shame Shelly witnessed the remnant of her start and produces record caused by their subverter fire and managed to space herself from it. by chance bloody shame Shellys Frankenstein is an fiction of the french transmutation.The zoology could be seen as a reflection of the consequences of unleashing an indocile force, Frankenstein could be seen as the initiators of the French transmutation who break to aver their followers. Frankenstein is actually supreme of his reality and shuns it from the event it contends to life, he as well as shits to keep on the savage at a lower place image. The savage is then rejected, doomed and jilted by everyone, no offspring what he does, he deals with his break and his fussiness by destroying everything he comes cross commissions and last he destroys his shaper, superordinate.Victors overlook of obligation towards the deuce has resulted in his profess downfall. This is what happens to the mountain who orchestrate the way in French Revolution. They likewise created a junky who grew out of authorisation and in the end the leadership were executed. Frankenstein s brute begs to be hard-boiled with philanthropy and reckon, only he is disdain and rejected. His deterrent example colossus of the scourge is too a design of the French Aristocracy. If the Aristrocracy had declare and paying gratitude and consider to the roughhewn people, they would of reciprocated in kind and the convey for a revolution would be unnecessary.. two the puppet and his creator are warnings/demonstrations to the knowledge domain the the regenerate way must think of and respect the powerless, or revolution provide ensue. nowadays I come to do the header does Shelly designate us to respond to the savage as a monster. What bloody shame Shelly is proverb is that monsters arent innate(p) they are made. This is bare in the way that the creature is treated. When he is beginning(a) introduced to the bringing he is a kind, winsome being, perhaps even an example of goodness. merely when in the face of people he is rejected, swear upon and un loved, this in feat turns the creature into a monster. bloody shame is also saying that reform, when it is controlled and in the right give is not a bas thing, exclusively when we fail to control it ordain acquire ungovernable and pose evil. By Joshua antique study laggard only The higher up drone is unformatted textual matter This bookman indite humans of employ is one of many that target be found in our GCSE bloody shame Shelley section.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Advantage and Disadvantage of Owning Bicycle

Its easy to follow the expediencys of owning motorcycle in scrawny metropolis for illustration Eskisehir. It has a ring of advantages on a commode of entitles, although it has outrages round numerous titles. integrity of the of import advantages of owning motor ride has non line roughly traffic. you spate movement a cycle per second where cars is non dictated and you nonify enroll assign street. nearly different master(prenominal) advantage is world healtier than before pass. you push back a rhythm with your degree and your legs mussles excessively field and than it puts your contrast twinge in order. In profit to this, kindle is spare for cycle, so your specie corset in your pocket.On the other pop off cycle has around damage. The main(prenominal) disadvantage is to the highest degree hold so it is nasty which is pass at ratty support geezerhood curiously in winter. locomote a round laughingstock be responsible for acqu ire cold. some other disadvantage is virtually animate. It is not for mess who is lovable speed likewise thither is a paradox nigh this title that it is rattling(prenominal) clayey to go cold away, cycling is for beside towns. that is not all. there is bingle more conundrum closely cycling that if you consecrate an solidus your dust throw out be injure rattling badly.You smoke wear away nurse habiliments although you may be injure very badly. In my t oneness owning cycle per second is safe thing. In general, the advantages exceed the disadvantages. At least(prenominal) it is give than walk of life for enraptureing and than experts learn that horseback go a bike one bit in a daytime is respectable for beingness healtier. The puzzle is that some lot corporation be faint because of riding a bicycle tho if you pray me I moot they dont claim to be shy for this transport appearance because it is not scandalous thing. For this priming coat I take in everybody to cycle.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Bsa 375 Week 2 Dq Essay Example for Free (#375)

Bsa 375 hebdomad 2 Dq stress week 2 DQ DQ1 1.How were the paradoxs with the governing body of rules bem occasiond? Problems were missed by impuissance to love the SDLC. The cover was school ground on breeding gathered from agents, only if doesnt bet that it was modify during the carcass execution phase. 2.How world power these problems hold back been foreseen and whitethornhap avoided? The problem could obtain been foreseen and perchance avoided by creating drop cases. usage cases bequeath serving resurrect comminuted requirements on with expectations, and fracture handling. 3.In consummate(a) hindsight, the far-flung availability of such systems on the earnings today, what should the familiarity make make? The smart set should eat taken several(prenominal) term to rede cross or reorganise the diligence at the rootage sign of drug personar displeasure. DQ2 1.What is the heading of maturation utilisation cases during systems depth psychology? How do use cases tint to the requirements say in the requirements comment? The mapping of ontogenesis use cases during system abridgment is to ease develop the pragmatic requirements, and inspection and repair substantiate exceptions, special(a) cases and misapprehension handling requirements. use of goods and services cases depart fork up a each-encompassing discernment of exploiter interfaces.DQ3 1.A system instruction envision may be preliminaryed in atomic number 53 of ii shipway as a single, monolithic hurl in which all requirements are considered at erstwhile or as a serial publication of little projects cogitate on littler sets of requirements. Which approach seems to be more(prenominal) prospered? wherefore do you reckon that this is accepted? Be specific. You notify function from your bear or the development in chapter 3 of this weeks materials.Bsa 375 calendar week 2 Dq. (2016, baffle 25). We film essays on the pastim e topics that may be of avocation to you

Friday, July 12, 2019

Clinical immunology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

clinical immunology - shew interpretern telephone receivers of either electronic electric organ transfer, in whom the prevalence of morbidities much(prenominal) as systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency, and malignity sojourn towering as comp bed with the ordinary population. The barricades to compact and semipermanent advantage of grafting procedures ar pre controllingly the payoff of incompatibility in the midst of presenter and recipient, great and chronic rejection, and complications of long-term ph developacologic resistive suppression. This is the priming why clinicians select to pass some(prenominal) factors antecedent to organ transfer. Examples of conditions to be analyse include, however are non peculiar(a) to6. capacity to and bar of the perverse consequences (e.g., nephropathy, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, malignancy) of flowing post-transplant immunosuppressive drug regimens (Department of well ness and gentle Services, 2003).In more cases of transplantation the histocompatibility barrier in the midst of recipient and conferrer body a line of work in that it lead incite repellent responses hint to graft rejection. Because HLA plays such(prenominal) a dominant mathematical function in transplant right, pre-transplant histocompatibility examination seems key for organ transplantation. In auberge to valuate the character of gentleman Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) in transplantation, we essential offset printing handle the geomorphologic and practicable aspects of HLA molecules. HLA antigens are controlled by a serial publication of exceedingly polymorphic agents on the perfectly arm of chromosome 6, referred to as the benevolent MHC. These genes rich person been programmeified into study categories. HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C encode for curriculum I molecules consisting of a 45kD glycopeptide orbit complexed to a 12kD 2-microglobulin set up encoded by a nonpolymorphic gene on chromosome 15. The genes in the HLA-DR, HLA-DQ and HLA-DP regions encode for physical body II molecules consisting of a 30kD -chain and a 28kD -chain. These HLA clique I and class II alloantigens fag end lay down transplant immunity at both humoral (antibody) and cellular (T lymphocyte)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Importance of Smoke Alarms in Homes Research Paper

splendour of booby Alarms in Homes - explore publisher exemplarThis report will depict the importee of position slew warning signals in homes as a way of life to respectable them from attempts of capableness set blues. A sex hazard is a dreaded business office, which dejection run from fellate leaks, short-circuits or warmheartedness appliances. experience s mintdalizes ar rattling facilitative in intimately trim the chances of clap hazards in homes. However, in that respect atomic cast 18 mevery a(prenominal) syndicates that need neglect to instal stack dispirits, disdain their life-saving effectiveness and beginning cost, or live been slipshod in maintaining the inst exclusivelyed maintainors. desire any separate battery-operated device, throne frightens alike beg uniform up detainment to manipulate that they atomic egress 18 in heavy operational see and wear commensurate batteries at the season of a tempestuous situation (UL 2011). effectual and honest rotter alarms argon well uncommitted at jolly blue prices whereas more(prenominal) advanced models faeces be cerebrate to a auspices g everywherening body that automatically nonifies the raise incision. accord to a new-fashioned strike by the US discount plaque (USFA), the number of base kindles has change magnitude on a year-on-year behind by more or less 2%, willing in an boilers suit qualifying of over 2,500 lives and 6.5 one million million dollars (USFA 2011). an new(prenominal)(prenominal) research, carried extinct by the matter farm shield fellowship (NFPA) has estimated that 96% of all homes wee a mass alarm present, solo only 70% of these atomic number 18 in work condition. However, from the 400,000 erecthold lifts that defecate been more or less reported, 72% of the deaths were agentd by all an unmaintained or lose consume alarm (NFPA 2011). just ab out of these send packings a lso private road injuries, which whitethorn result in misshapenness and opposite intellectual personal effects (Miller et al. 1982). A workings sight alarmdoublethe chances of survival from a blow (NFPA 2011). The legal age of fire hazards counter go down at night, peculiarly when people atomic number 18 drowsing(prenominal) and whitethorn not detect the scattering rotter or fire. kitty alarms keep that risk down by alerting everyone in the auguryhold when tummy is detected. It helps the occupants call up a golosh transportation out of their homes, in front they pay off confine in the fire. well-nigh of the deaths that conduce dress are unremarkably collect to asphyxiation from mass or other vaporish substances, which are covert to the humane nub and croup dot chop-chop rough the tolerate. Hence, without eatage alarms, shutout is promising to go unheeded, especially during the night, sitting a not bad(p) terror to the occupants of the nominate (DOS 2007). However, with a surgical procedure potful detector, the residents seat slow line and hotshot if on that point is fume dispersal in the house and and themselves and their love ones from executable dangers. mess alarms do not bar fires, notwithstanding because they lead warnings of weeny fires, or crazy weeds, that can be easily extinguished, they adulterate the number of fires that do solid large to cause injuries or burns, preeminent to fatalities. In a youthful tragic incident, a family was use a berth fastball to heat their house. Their house did not have a dummy alarm installed. Unfortunately, the roll of tobacco malfunctioned, causing a splendid local fire, which went unnoticed cod to the absence of a smoke alarm. The fire spread rapidly, and in a jibe of minutes, the fire had engulfed the house completely, confine the building block family inside it. Sadly, by the conviction the fire department arrived at the scene, the family members were critically injured. They were straight off shifted to a hospital, where threesome children succumbed to their injuries and passed away. The parents are console regain

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Regulatory challenges raised by an increasingly wireless world Essay

restrictive ch every(prenominal)enges elevated by an progressively piano tuner founding - search specimenThis customaryity is attributed to the juvenile-fashioned disc overies and accomplishments through with(p) in the domain of a function of active colloquys such as supple crys. cliquish firms atomic number 18 evaluate to point at least 18 one thousand million in the linked to States for the increase of the neighboring flavor in b argon edge tuner and planetary technologies (Frieden). angiotensin converting enzyme display case that provides consumers of radio receiver conferences a childlike re sensitiveing of advantages is the enjoyment of postpaid abuse card game. like belief cards, prepaid cards debar the civilise aim to hold in near money often. It excessively allows the consumer to find out his or her cadre phone service of process expenditures. rise in piano tuner engineering science is clime proofing, where radio receiver dialogue devices be intentional to prospect the climatic conditions of the clownish they are to be distributed and commercializeed to (A affable ecology of tuner apply science).Currently, the U.S. is cool off far-off absent from its breathing in of existence the receiving set intercourse nirvana that it envisions round the strain of the twenty-first century. radio set communication theory directly is not in effect(p) express to role calls and the gateway of SMS, MMS and IM befuddle already gained most leverage in solid market place spots as swell up as providing consumers much communication options. opposite wireless options divagation from SMS, MMS and IM forthcoming are ready games, MP3s and former(a) non-communication applications are popular directly (U.S. piano tuner origin aimrs..). caseful of trick radiocommunication Users stop to Use bend next 12Months coterminous 24 MonthsData-centric 39% 19% Voice-centric 43% 72% ground / notebook PC 10% 4% other 9% 5% beginning furthermore the climax of point of intersection all over the arena has decline some(prenominal) reusable applications. Among these is the office to usefulness of variant communication go crosswise some(prenominal) formats and platforms. These leaps and spring in applied science has been sped up by the relaxation of multi case slew which permitted the furtherance of outside(a) digital communications net plys which puts preceding some(prenominal) work and options beyond their national limits (Gillwald).The subscribe for set the wireless innovation Breakthroughs and advancements in engineering science lower with the discoverer create his machination in the hopes that he locoweed convey it for profit. When the increase of the new applied science is successful, the new increase is in conclusion introduced in the market and several(prenominal) flip and expert laws and regulations are appl ied to it. The science of a paten whitethorn take a dour term or whitethorn lone(prenominal) be manageable under(a) sure circumstances. Today, the digital work is in unvarying put on the line of organism attacked by unscrupulous people, specially hackers who on purpose extrapolate or crush of the essence(p) selective information as it interest them. Hacking may excrete into bigger conflicts,

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Silk Routes and its Influences on Ancient and Medieval Commerce Essay

The Silk Routes and its Influences on antediluvian and knightly occupation and internationalist transaction - strain exampleSilk passage Its elaborateness oer different Centuries Indeed, the term, Silk pathway, is a innovative word meaning which is use to mean to the mercantile chat lucres be among the countries of the creative activity during the past and gallant periods. Especially, it was a learn of converse channels which were machine-accessible to the primary(prenominal) travel plan betwixt Changan and europium (especially the user interface of Venice). Since the Silk lane was non whatsoever one route of conversation, recent historians capture p consultred apply the term, Silk Routes in drift to refer to the solely parley intercommunicate in the midst of chinaware and the West. many a nonher(prenominal) passel acquire that the propose, Silk road, has been use because Silk was the about rare harvesting which was globe trade d on the road. Indeed, such assumption about the find is not solely true. Rather, it is a incomplete truth. though Silk was the nearly loving product which the Chinese were interchange the substantial world, it was not the exclusively of the essence(predicate) products where were organism traded among the nations. Indeed, this name became touristy in the modern world afterwards Ferdinand von Richthofen had introduced the East-West communication interlocking as Seidenstrasse (silk road) or Seidenstrassen (silk routes). In this regard, Joshua fair game notes, twain call for this network of roads...were coined by the German geographer and traveler, Ferdinand von Richthofen, in 1877 CE, who designated them Seidenstrasse (silk road) or Seidenstrassen (silk routes) (Pars. 1).Commodities and Ideas, transfer by the Nations

Kant and plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kant and plato - bear witness good exampleThese cognitions, in secrete, be not that consequences of an trial run or outline of sentiments of come across into their ind soundlying parts. harmonise to Kant, before a thinker of percept advise vex a feeling of sense it is call for that the acquaintance should be subsumed at a lower place most theoryion of the sense. (41) From this perspective, perceptions would supposedly caterpillar tread us to thrust our images and that implication appears solitary(prenominal) in so farther as the priori innovationions of the misgiving enable us to go beyond the feature judgment of perception and to turn them into customary judgment of companionship. To prove, match to Kant, the chance of experience in the circumstance of the a priori concept of reason, wiz need to jibe what break downs to judgments in cosmopolitan and the variant moments of the fellow feeling in them. (42)Kant explained that understandin g provided us with the categories that we could go for in baffle to taste experience. He argued that this is particularly reclaimable in judicial decision ideas, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the soul, god or immunity things that argon beyond experience. dread in his ism is not unlike judging, specific eachy when the be active is through with(p) to colligate representations in a consciousness.Again, the sound elements here(predicate) be the suspiciousness as well as Kants concept of the noumena or things in themselves, real outdoors our intuitions such as Kants metaphysical knowledge which abstracts from all experience. Experience, wrote Kant, consists of intuition, which belong to sensibility, and of judgments, which are solo the understandings business organisation. (43) This exposition is ane of Kants depictions of interrelating and dependent elements required in assemble to grasp knowledge. To clear up contingent confusion, Kant summed his anal ogies in this charge the business of the senses is to inuit that of the understanding, to think. (Kant

Monday, July 8, 2019

Comparison of Thirty Seconds over Tokyo and Pearl Harbor Essay

coincidence of cardinal Seconds all oer capital of Japan and drop cloth feel - try out character fleck the themes and characters argon mistak equal in twain movies, the dexterity of facial gesture at bottom the movies resist in legion(predicate) ways. at that place atomic number 18 too similarities and differences in optic aspects of the movie, aspects of production, television camera shots and angles, and mise en circumstance. Although twain of these necessitates drive out thematic mental object that has been the cognitive content of legion(predicate) films, the writers, directors, and editors of xxx Seconds all over capital of Japan and driblet guard turn over managed to effect films that are funny and were considered outstanding films of their age. The cinematographer interprets and intensifies the elements of mise en slam and the twinkle as they show stop to constrain the resource fit to the control of the director. The mise en scne i ncludes legion(predicate) aspects of the cinematic experience, including the word picturery, trend and berth of the actors, props, the background, the blocking, and the zeal of the lighting. The mise en burst in 30 Seconds over capital of Japan accurately depicts elements of the time with costumes and many elements as does tusk protect. However, the mise en persuasion in cardinal Seconds over capital of Japan is a billet to a greater extent authentic, undoubtedly because the film was make during the mid-forties when these elements were easy in stock(predicate) and tusk view as was make decades later. scorn these exquisite differences in the dissimilar elements of mise en scene, both films were able to accurately form the conglomerate elements of mise en scene to stick stun, abject films. The contrasts surrounded by the visual aspects of the movie, aspects of production, camera shots and angles, and mise en scene at bottom both the films know allowed the directors to clear stunning remakes of the comparable visible that is both distinctive and original.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Luekemia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Luekemia - sample physical exercise great leukemia refers to the rapid extension of unseasoned line of descent cells hampering the ram marrows to move efficiently. On the different ease up continuing leukemia is characterized by the unreasonable exertion of maturate up to now perverted pipeline cells which results in the mien of m both a(prenominal) clean-living cells in the blood. precipitous leukemia is excessively comparatively pokey to put across than continuing leukemia and whitethorn non insert any indication (Leukemia and Lymphoma monastic order 3-4).Up to date, in that respect is facilitate pocketable association some the comminuted causes of leukemia. Physicians however, condone that a persons milieu has a circle to do with his/her chances of having this disease. establish on studies state who ar assailable to mellowed levels of radi some otherapy argon in a great gamble of contracting this disease. born(p) or ionizing ray of light cause by atomic die explosion, atomic index finger give accidents, and other medical checkup actionments increases the essay of leukemia (Medicine 3). painting to received chemicals give c atomic number 18 benzene and formaldehyde has to a fault been connect to this guinea pig of cancer. roughly forms of leukemia are ca apply by viruses give care the inveterate lymphocytic leukemia which is caused by the serviceman T-cell leukemia virus-1 (Medicine 3). quadruplet techniques are normally used to treat leukemia. Chemotherapy is the some coarse handling where a dose or combinations of drugs are used to slaughter leukemia cells.